Througout the Season Empower Plants with Tomato Stakes Bunnings

Choose between Tomato Stakes Bunnings Made of Four Different Materials

Stakes of Different Sizes for Indeterminate Tomato Varieties

Tomato staking is a necessary procedure for growing the tomato in the proper way. Your vegetable garden will make completely different, neat impression if your plants are tied to stakes. Staking allows you to harvest the fruits on time, to moisture the soil constantly, and to provide the healthiest conditions possible for every single plant. Although staking seems sometimes as hard as science, in the reality, it is not hard. However, there are some simple rules you should follow to achieve the best result. Tomato stakes Bunnings are especially convenient for indeterminate sorts. In this case, they are supposed to be 6 to 8 feet tall, and for the greater stability, they should be buried in the ground one foot at least. As well as you can choose from the different staking methods and techniques, you can choose among four different types of the tomato stakes. Wooden, plastic, bamboo, and metal tomato stakes Bunnings are available in different sizes. If you do not know the exact height of the grown tomato plant, you will not have to worry about the plant support if you have provided the stakes of an adequate size.

Tomato Stakes Bunnings
You can select the material of the different types of tomato stake which are: wood, metal, bamboo and plastic.

One-stake Method and the Application of Wooden Stakes

Tomato plants can grow taller than 8 feet and since they do not have the ability to hold themselves up, they either grow along the ground or they climb along some support if provided. One-stake method is traditional and most common among farmers and gardeners. Tomato stakes Bunnings are suitable for the application of this method. Besides the stakes, only ties are needed. Staking tomatoes with twine prevents many risks to your plants and provides the healthy environment for the tomato growth. Each plant needs its own post and several ties. Supported by the stake, tomato grows vertically meaning you can plant it at the closer distance. The important part of a proper tomato staking is tying and pruning that leads to a sooner ripening. It has been recommended for the wooden stake to be at least 1’’ square in diameter to serve as a reliable support. Tomato plants can be heavy at the time of harvest and the branches should remain tied to the stake throughout the season. Wooden stakes have not been manufactured of chemically treated timber since chemicals may leak into the soil and harm the plants.

Wooden canes in field of crops
In addition to the stakes it is recommended to place strings on the stakes to provide a stable environment for the tomato plants.

PVC Coated Metal Stakes for the Extra Stability

Metal stake, however, may be smaller in diameter since the material itself provides an extra stability. As well as the wooden ones, they should be inserted into the ground up to 6 inches from the plant’s base immediately after the planting. In order to avoid stakes making a shade, place them on the north side of the plant. Tomato stakes Bunnings are green PVC coated. They will improve the overall appearance of your vegetable garden, and they guarantee stable support of your plants or even trees. PVC coated metal stakes have been designed for an easy operation. Pointed tips enable the easy drive into any kind of soil while the seal provides extra stability. Sides are ribbed in order to prevent sliding. Ties remain in the place where you tied them. Outdoor conditions, such as heavy weather or downpours might occur from time to time, and sturdy steel core is your biggest ally under such circumstances. Weatherproof is PVC coating as well. The main stem of the tomato plant will grow strong if you wait until first flowers to tie the plant to the stake. There is no need to do this earlier. Keep also in mind that throughout the season the branch can grow larger, and it might need some extra space. Do not tie the plant to fast, and do it opposite blossoms. In this way, you can be sure the fruits will not be trapped.

Tomato stakes crops
The metal stake, although it has a smaller diameter than the other stakes, provides greater stability to the tomato plant.

Equally Reliable Bamboo or Plastic Tomato Stakes

Plants can be supported also by the bamboo tomato stakes Bunnings. They have 1 inch in diameter and the height of at least 6 feet. For the indeterminate tomato varieties, 8 feet tall bamboo stake would be the best. Planting and putting stakes 1 foot into the ground should you conduct at the same time or in short to avoid the possible roots injury. Which tomato staking methods to apply depends on the sort, climate and available space in the garden. Staking does not require much space, and it actually provides maximum productivity of the confined area. Indeterminate tomato sorts can overgrow the height of 8 feet. Upward growth may be prevented by on-time pinching off the top of the main stem. Bamboo stakes are graded which makes the tying easier. Tomato stakes Bunnings made of recycled plastic exclusively have also been firm and durable. They are eco-friendly and therefore can be applied to any landscape. For their low weight, they are extremely easy to handle.

Field of crops with wooden stakes
The advantages of the recycled plastic stake are very durable, they are very firm, they are ecological, they are easy to handle and they are applied in any landscape.

Tomato is Annual Plant, Stakes Serve More than One Season

Tomato stakes Bunnings represent good value for the investment. They are affordable and reusable in the next season which makes them highly profitable. Search among most popular stakes available in the market, and you will hardly find tomato stakes of the proven quality all at one place. Tomato is not hard to grow but if not grown properly, it can make a lot of mess in your garden, and the productivity will decrease. Fruits lying on the ground are under the risk from diseases, and they can not meet the quality requirements. Growing tomatoes vertically prevents all unwanted effects, and provides the most convenient environment for the healthy and productive vegetables while stakes can keep your garden in place under worst weather conditions. It is up to you to choose which material suits best the tomato sort you intend to grow.

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